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Winner DenMark Race – hull


Stav skladu (stock status):

DenMark RACE IOD hull incl. all fittings and ropes
High-grade fibreglass reinforced polyester
Harken Carbo racing blocks
Low friction mast collar
Padded toe-straps
4 trim plugs in centreboard case
Adjustable elastic system for daggerboard trim
Adjustable maststep
Red airbags with tube
I.M.Form & Register book
Made in Denmark



DenMark RACE IOD hull incl. all fittings and ropes
High-grade fibreglass reinforced polyester
Harken Carbo racing blocks
Low friction mast collar
Padded toe-straps
4 trim plugs in centreboard case
Adjustable elastic system for daggerboard trim
Adjustable maststep
Red airbags with tube
I.M.Form & Register book
Made in Denmark